Organic Porridge Oats (Deposit for Jar)
The price includes a deposit of £3 which will be credited to your account on return of the jar.
Organic Porridge oat sourced from Swindon Pulse who are a zero waste shop in Swindon. For more information visit
Packaging: Clip top jar. Please rinse and leave jar on doorstep for collection.
Instructions on Returning Packaging
The success of 10 Green Bottles’ mission to reduce waste relies heavily on customers participating and following our guidelines on packaging returns.
Please treat our packaging as follows:
Packaging Type | Instructions |
750ml Glass bottle | Rinse and return |
250ml Glass Bottle | Rinse and return |
500ml Jar | Rinse and return |
150ml Jar | Rinse and return |
1.5L Clip Top Jar | Rinse and return |
250ml Kilner jar | Rinse and return jar and metal cap |
Household cleaning bottles and caps | Rinse and return |
Shampoo & Bodywash bottles and caps | Rinse and return |
All Glass Bottle caps | kerbside recycling |
Glass Jar Caps (not Kilner caps) | kerbside recycling |
Butter wrap | Compost/ household waste |
Cheese packaging | Household waste |